There are opportunities to server for everyone!

Our Savior has 2 full-time workers and 3 part-time workers and a limited budget. The church was not meant to be a spectator sport - it is "the body of Christ" - meant to be living and active. The task of the church is to connect people to Jesus and when Jesus gave us The Great Commission - He didn't limit it to just pastors, DCE's and other churchworkers. Everyone has at least one spiritual gift (something specifically given to build up the body and bring praise to God.) We'd love to help you find yours if you don't already know what it is.

We want you to know your gifts, serve where you are passionate (something you love doing) and know that what you are doing makes a difference. Below are listed some of the things that we are always needing (especially since we are such a fluid church) - but we also know that God brings us new ideas and new ministries with each new person - so don't be afraid to contact us if you have a new idea or a specialized skill.

With the exception of teaching, most of the opportunties are only once a month! And we understand when something comes up and we'll help find someone to take your place.

  • Usher: Arrive 15 minutes before worship, greet everyone, hand our worship folders and take the offering.
  • Greeter: Arrive 15 minutes before worship, greet everyone (especially new guests).
  • Nursery Team: Arrive 10 minutes before worship and help little ones, four and under during the service.
  • Offering Counter: After worship, work with a partner to count the offerings and drop it off at Bank of Hawaii. Usually takes about 20 minutes.
  • Sunday School Teacher: Work with our DCE to plan and teach some of our kids about Jesus. This is one of the most exciting ministries because it has the greatest impact.
  • Workday Crew: We meet once a month on Saturdays to clean, repair, install and do some landscaping around the facility. You don't need any special skills - but if you happen to have some - we'd love to know because there is always something that needs done!
  • Tech Team: Our soundbooth needs audio/visual staff to help make sure the service goes smoothly. Training is offered and there are several levels (PowerPoint, Soundboard and assistant).
  • All Around Helper: Not everything that needs done is on a Sunday. Sometimes we need someone during the week - and the hours are flexible and you get to hang out with some pretty nice people.
  • Music Ministry: If you like to sing or play an instrument - click here to go to the Music Ministry page to find out more about our choirs and worship team.